Bonjuk Bay x E M M A K R A F F T

Bonjuk Bay is a magical little cove just near Marmaris where so many go every year to unwind, enjoy nature and each other's company. When I was asked to create...
Esin Nalbantoglu

#kintsugiwithemma Workshop

Japonca’da “altın ile onarma” anlamına gelen Kintsugi ya da Kintsukuroi, yalnızca bir restorasyon yöntemi değil, kırık seramiklerin tamir edildikten sonra daha güzel olduğunu öne süren 600 yıllık bir seramik sanat...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Kintsugi Workshop No. 1

Türkiye'nin ilk Kintsugi Atölyesini 25 Ocak'ta gerçekleştiriyoruz! Kısa sürede dolan atölyemiz için oldukça heyecanlıyız. 6 ay süren seyahatler, araştırmalar ve denemeler sonucunda artık bu geleneksel Japon sanatıyla ilgili edindiğimiz bilgileri...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Capsule Evil Eye Collection with Vintage Istanbul

  Vintage Istanbul is a collector and vendor of Vintage fashion items. They came to me with a set of vintage evil eye beads and asked me to create a...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Kintsugi Case Study - Emma's Mouse

My newfound hobby is with Kintsugi - which I don't find very different from jewelry making. It requires the same kind of meticulous patience. This antique Rosenthal mouse was left...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Japanese Inspiration

I had been to Japan back in 2017 on a whim in one of those ‘finding yourself’ kind of phases. However, I was able to appreciate Japan in a different way the second time around.
Esin Nalbantoglu

The Emma Krafft Sensibility

"The idea has taken root that in all of life – be it jobs, relationships, social life – we face utter failure unless we nurture our inner salesman. We are...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Krafft Family Heritage

Through the website I was able to track down the Krafft family history and even got in touch with distant cousins in Australia (many Templers were sent there after...
Esin Nalbantoglu


"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places" - Ernest Hemingway Kintsugi is a Japanese traditional craft that repairs broken ceramics using lacquer mixed with...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Celuk (Silver village) in Bali

Every year in September I go to Asia to source gemstones and gain inspiration for my jewellery work. This year I went to Bali as it is a huge producer...
Esin Nalbantoglu

Emma Krafft Custom Wedding Rings

Happy to be a part of this wedding ring journey!I was first contacted by the groom to be who had a rough idea of the type of ring he wanted....
Esin Nalbantoglu

Emma Krafft Studio

The studio is now open in Karaköy in Istanbul. 
Esin Nalbantoglu